Thursday, June 28, 2007

World is changing

The pace at which the world around us changes is faster than one can comprehend. Now just take a look at the following site.

This site is all set to change the way online job portals work. These guys are in Beta and are not calling the site a job portal (yet). They are calling it a professional networking site. They let you add contacts, search job, post jobs, search for resumes, search for people. I have not taken a look at all the features yet

They have AI based search engine incorporated. So now when you are searching for a job, you don’t have to fill a form. You don’t have to select in a combobox, which city you are looking for job in, which technology you are looking for job in. Same for recruiters, they don’t have to fill up the big forms to search resume. There is a just a single text box. It gives you a feeling that you are using a Google like search engine

I guess the traditional job portals are gonna face some tough times ahead

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